SOLWE 2024!
To ensure your comfort, we have reserved rooms at two hotels. Please see the information below for booking details.
Scandic Plaza
The price per night and room is 1490 SEK incl. VAT (single-bed room)
Room bookings can be made through the button below or the Scandic website
It’s also possible to book by calling Scandic Central Reservations at +46 8 517 517 00, option 1.
Please provide the booking code: BREE021224.
Guests must provide credit card information at the time of booking to guarantee their room.
Payment is to be made by the guest to the hotel during their stay.
Guests can change and/or cancel their room up until 6:00 PM on the day of arrival.
For changes and/or cancellations after 6:00 PM, or in case of a no-show, the hotel reserves the right to charge for missed nights.
The last day to book is November 2nd.
Comfort Jazz
Price per night/room is 1120 SEK incl. VAT.
Rooms are bookable until November 3, 2024. After that, we will release all unbooked rooms.
Guests can book via the link below.
Bookings can also be made through the reception (email or phone +46 33 799 45 00). Guests need to provide the code Reed & Mackay Sweden AB December 2-4, 2024.
Organised by
Questions? Please contact Maria Wolmesjö, Professor
With contributions from

Important dates
20th of September
During October
31th of October
Congress secretariat

Phone: +46 (0)18 18 35 35 (Tuesday-Thursday at 9.00-12.00)