Abstract submission
Welcome to the online abstract submission system for SOLWE 2024!
The abstract submission is now closed. The deadline for submitting an abstract was 20th of September 2024.
Abstract Submission Instructions
The following rules must be adhered to precisely:
All abstracts must be submitted in final form no later than 15th of September, 2024 23:59. E-mail notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent to the submitting author once the reviewing process is finished.
All abstracts are required to be submitted online:
Presentation of specific data and methodologic details assist reviewers in judging the quality of the research. New findings are of greater interest than confirmation of known relations. Clarity and brevity of writing will allow evaluation of the importance of the research. Abstracts are scored by two reviewers.
General rules about abstracts:
Please read these instructions carefully. Only Abstracts of registered participants will be included. At least one of the authors must be registered for the Conference.
TITLE: Spell out words, do not use abbreviations. The title or text is not to indicate the country of origin, unless it is pertinent to the topic.
AUTHORS : Names and surnames for each author must be provided. Do not include degrees or titles. The presenting authors’ name will be published in bold.
AFFILITATIONS : Each author should be listed by Organisation, Department, and Country. Please make sure to include this complete information in the Affiliation text box.
TEXT: The abstract must be in English and should be a maximum of 500 words, excluding the title.
THEME: The abstract should be submitted in one of the following themes.
- Leadership in the welfare sector
- Organizing the welfare institutions in health, social work, education and police
- AI and digitalization – solution and/or challenges from a leadership perspective
- Managing exposure to threats and violence in work life
- Welfare professional-, cross sectorial collaboration and user involvement
- Recruitment and competence required for welfare professions
If you have any questions concerning the abstract submission process, please email abstracts+solwe2024@invajo.com
Organised by
Questions? Please contact Maria Wolmesjö, Professor
Email: maria.wolmesjo@hb.se
With contributions from

Important dates
20th of September
During October
31th of October
Congress secretariat

Phone: +46 (0)18 18 35 35 (Tuesday-Thursday at 9.00-12.00)